Our E-business Implementation is an auction site which allows consumers to bid,buy items and or services, track customers, and tie together all aspects of e-business into one cohesive whole.
At you can create your online store and category, and interact with identity verified buyers and sellers. Once you Register in, you can start bidding and buying things that you are interested in. In case you do not see the item that you are looking for, just 'Post a want ad' and we will help you find sellers for the same.
Also, if you want to list any item for sale or auction in, you must become a Member. is pleased to offer trial membership for 4 months at no cost! For this, login and visit the link and click on 'Try It Now'.
With this trial membership, you get an online store. All the items listed for sale will be available in this store. To know how to submit your item for sale, please visit the link
There are other features like Buyer-Seller Rating and Feedback, many options for making payment, using Stock Images etc. You can also see the weather in origin & destination in one click.
All the paper work gets completed automatically including Form 3-186, shipping labels, express mail charges, tracking shipment etc. Both buyer and seller can electronically sign form 3-186. It shows if there are any shipping restrictions (Lives Embargo) to the destination and also whether it would be one day or two days Express Mail delivery.